Tips About Tooth Implants: Their Cost, Their Care, And Their Availability

Dental implants are the latest thing being used to replace missing teeth. Dental implants are not brand new, but they have recently begun to get more attention, and recognition. The main reason that more people are talking about dental implants today is that they have become easier to get, and the price of the dental devices has dropped drastically in the last few years.

The Cost
The initial cost of tooth implants is higher than what you pay for partial dentures, or bridges. In the last five years the average cost of tooth implants has reduced by as much as 50%, but the initial price is still higher than some of the alternative tooth replacement therapies. You do have to consider the fact that partial dentures, and bridges, both cause damage to their anchor teeth over a period of time. So when you choose these alternatives for tooth replacement you are accepting the fact that you will need to repair the anchor teeth in a few years. You will also have to replace the partial denture about once every ten years, so you need to consider that cost when you are deciding which replacement method makes the best financial sense.

Their Care
When you have partial plates, or bridges, you will need to remove them from your mouth and clean them in a special solution. These dental devices can need to be soaked in their cleaner for as little as 5 minutes, or as long as an overnight period. Tooth implants are cleaned by brushing, and flossing, when you clean your natural teeth. There are no specialized cleaners to buy, and you do not go through any extra trouble to clean these dental devices. You will continue to see your dentist every six months for routine examinations and when you are there they will evaluate the condition of your implant just like they evaluate the health of your natural teeth.

Their Availability
When the dental implants were first introduced there were very few dental professionals that had the knowledge required to place the appliances in the mouths of patients. The implantation process requires that the dental professional cut your gums so that they can place the titanium rod against the appropriate section of your jawbone. Your jawbone will, over a period of time, fuse to the titanium piece and make the implant a success. This part of the procedure requires the skills of an oral surgeon.

To do a successful implantation the dental professional has to be able to evaluate your jawbone and determine if you have enough bone density to handle the implantation. This evaluation required specialized skills, like the ones a cosmetic dentist has.

Today more dental professionals have gotten the educational training they need to be able to evaluate a patient for implants, and to be able to successfully implant the titanium rods. The fact that more people want these dental devices has increased the number of dental clinics that want to do them.

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